Feeds | Concentrates | Medicines | Chicks | Vet Services
Our Services & Products
Poultry Cough & Flu | KukuBoost
KukuBoost works effectively well on poultry cough and flu in birds of any age and its 100% natural.
Day Old Chicks
We supply day old broiler, layer and kroiler chicks,
Concentrates & Feeds
We Supply high quality pig and chicken feeds and concentrates.
Parent Broiler & Layer Stock
We supply parent broiler and layer stock eggs and chicks.
Parent Kroiler Stock
We supply parent kroiler stock eggs and chicks.
Vet Services
We offer vet services to farmers across the entire country.
“Original and with an innate understanding of their customer’s needs, the team at Good Farmer 360 is always a pleasure to work with.”
A. PreciousHappy Client
About Us
Good Farmer 360 | Yoi Noka Enterprises
Established in 2021 under the YOI NOKA ENTERPRISES business name with the sole aim of availing quality poultry and animal feeds, concentrates, medicines, eggs, day old chicks and vet services to all the farmers in the East African Market